Saturday, October 05, 2013

Do not think negatively about others

You must never think evil of anybody. Thoughts such as “I wish that person would fall down and die” or “I wish that you would lose everything you have. I hate you. I don’t want to love you” must never be thought or verbalized. Any expression of this kind builds a thoughtform which goes to the person and hits him. The damage that you send the person is recorded in your “account”, and you will pay for it at the time of judgment. If you committed two tons of damage, you will have to pay with it for interest. There is also a system of taxation in spiritual realms, so be clever and intelligent and do not think negatively about others.

Gossip is the result of wrong thinking. Slander is even worse. Malice is very bad, and treason is the very worst. Do not occupy your mind with these things., You will pay for it severely. That is why Christ said, “Bless those who curse you and slander you.” By thinking this way you do not become involved in karmic debts. Just say, “God bless you,” then remove yourself from the situation. If you curse, you react in the same manner as those who curse you. You both will be debtful.

In the Bible it is written, “Revenge is Mine, sayeth the Lord.” No person must take revenge upon another. Revenge must only be taken by God, meaning that karma will take care of it.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Battling Dark Forces

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