Sunday, January 19, 2014

New education will teach the science of beauty

New education will teach the science of beauty. From childhood to the age of 70-80, people will study the science of beauty. For example, the beauty of walking will be taught. We have not yet begun to teach our children how to walk and move in beautiful ways. We have not yet taught them how to be beautiful in feelings and emotions. Instead we have taught our children how to be jealous and angry so that they protect themselves. We have said things such as, “You know, my son, you are the king. Don’t think about others but only yourself.” With such attitudes, we have taught our children to be careless toward others.

Education must teach the science of beauty in thinking. Whenever you think an ugly thought, even for a second, you poison yourself because ugliness contaminates your consciousness. If you caught yourself thinking an ugly thought, did you change that thought into a beautiful thought? If you didn't, you defeated yourself within yourself.

Education must teach beauty in thinking, beauty in feeling, beauty of expressions, beauty of actions, beauty of forms, and beauty in relationships. To be beautiful means to reject ugliness. Our educational system has not yet taught the science of beauty. For example, the system did not teach that in each human being there is a divine beauty and that we should try to find that divine beauty in others. The system did not teach us that we are each beautiful.

From childhood, we must teach our children that there is a beauty within them and their inner seed must bloom. Either your beauty must bloom or your ugliness will increase. Which one do you want? You may choose it now, but life will eventually come to the point that you will not be able to choose any more and Nature will impose its choice upon you. Nature will say to you, “You wasted your time, you polluted your consciousness, and now there is no choice. Either you are going to survive or perish. If you want to survive, you must learn the science of beauty and pay for anything you did against beauty. You must find a way that makes it impossible for any ugliness to dwell in you.”

-Torkom Saraydarian
Education as Transformation vol.2

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