Saturday, May 17, 2014

Every planet is inhabited

It is strange to hear scientists say that there is life only on our planet, in this solar system. Science does not know what life is.

All manifested and unmanifested existence is Life, is a life, is the Life. How can one limit the Life by referring to human forms, or to any one particular form.

Life exists without physical form. It exists in etheric, astral, and mental forms, even in higher forms. Emotions are life forms; thoughtforms are life forms. Love is a life form.

Every planet is inhabited by life forms in various planes – etheric, astral, mental, and higher. When our eyes and instruments can detect nothing, we say nothing exists. But even “nothing” is full of life.

There is no planet on which life is not developing. Planets are schools or classrooms. All are inhabited by life forms, in different densities. There are etheric schools, mental colleges, intuitional universities, and life forms are in the process of learning.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Creative Fire

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