Saturday, July 19, 2014

Evil in its many forms must be recognized as a hindrance on the path of evolution

The evil people in our life are not alone. They are the servants of a huge army and receive energy and power from that army. Essentially they are spirit but blinded by matter and material values.

They want:

- more land
- more power over others
- more money
- more possessions
- more luxury
- more dominance to use their separative will
- more deception to avoid light and reality
- more pretense to hide themselves
- more crimes to avoid opposition
- more sensuality, making them insensitive to reason and logic.

Evil walks through all these tunnels and lives in the darkness of its ignorance.

Ignorance is the inability to see progress, to be part of the spiritualization process. That is why ignorance so violently hates any kind of spiritual phenomena. It hurts their ignorance.

Ignorance is not lack of certain knowledge or information. Ignorance is the inability to see the reality of evolution, the reality of a breakthrough into light.

When ignorance continues for many incarnations, there comes another evil that is insensitive, indifferent to any spiritual values, virtues, or aspiration. The spirit is buried deep in matter, and the person is approaching the moment when he will lose his soul and turn into matter.

Such people, or other disintegrating bodies, promote evil. They stimulate material tendencies, separatism, self-interest, vices, and manifold low desires. Every disintegrating form has a similar effect in its environment.

Not only for man but there are also huge constellations in space in the process of decay. Their bodies have a malefic influence upon global and systemic bodies – man included.

Evil in its many forms must be recognized as a hindrance on the path of human evolution.

At this time there is an organized evil in our planet supported by ancient evil. They have their hierarchy, their commanders, soldiers, and followers. They have their purpose, their plan, and multidimensional methods to penetrate every layer of society.

Evil is an organized army that is interested in material value, in making man and woman the slaves of material values. Their intention is to stop the evolutionary process and turn it into involution.

Those who love humanity must be prepared to fight eternally against this force. Every initiate, every disciple under the Hierarchy of light is a warrior.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.1

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