Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hypnotism and anesthesia

Self-hypnotism is as bad as an kind of hypnotism. I remember once shouting to a group of psychiatrists about this self-hypnosis concept. Stay awake. The whole life is hypnotizing you. When you watch television, you are being hypnotized. All advertisements are hypnotic. We want to awaken. Almost the entire humanity is “cattle.” There are a few so-called awakened people. Those who exploit others are hypnotized people.

For example, tomorrow a few doctors will gather and say, “There is a new illness.” Immediately, millions of people will rush to the hospitals and certain people will make billions of dollars. We have become hypnotized cattle. The headlines in newspapers, radio, and television can say anything they want. No one objects or questions them. We have become cattle, nothing else! The prime duty of leadership is to awaken people, instead of keeping you ignorant and using you.

Question: What about anesthesia and hypnosis?

Answer: Anesthesia is better than hypnotism. It is more physical and tangible. You can also clean most of its ill effects. But when you are hypnotized, it is very difficult to find and remove. For example, a very pretty girl is sitting in the dentist’s chair as he is hypnotizing her for a tooth extraction. While he is removing her teeth, his is thinking, “Wow! What a beautiful girl this is. Maybe I will kiss her a little.” Then he starts imagining, “I can take her somewhere...” These thoughts will immediately go into her. After her tooth is removed, the girl will be crazy for the dentist because she is hypnotized. In addition to your words, your emotions, your thoughts, and your ideas are also planted in the hypnotized person.

When a person is under anesthesia, total silence should be enforced. Even if your child falls and cuts his nose and runs to you screaming, don’t speak to him. Just hold him next to your heart. If you talk, you are hypnotizing him. There is less risk under anesthesia than with hypnotism. When a person is under the influence of an anesthetic, his thoughts and emotions are not buried into him, but in hypnotism they are.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Happiness, Joy & Bliss

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