Thursday, October 16, 2014


The more you appreciate a person, the more you unfold the treasures he has to offer.

Appreciation in family relationships works miracles. A family turns into a garden of flowers when the members learn how to appreciate each other.

In most families members criticize, hurt, wound, and belittle each other. Such families do not produce good fruit. Such families do not give to humanity creative, constructive, selfless, loving people. Most criminals came from families who hated each other and saw only ugliness within each other. Appreciation is the first move toward positive and creative living.

Appreciation works also in offices. A company, also a nation, loses many contributing and creative people, loses time, energy, and money by keeping only those who are critical, aggressive, even destructive to each other. The prosperity of the officers, companies, and organizations can be secured only by increasing the numbers of those people who are appreciative of each other, who appreciate each good deed done with a good heart and with a good mind.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.1

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