Tuesday, October 07, 2014

The demonisation of religion

Part of the fake new age religion is, hypocritically, the demonisation of religion. Why the big hate on religion? Mao Tse Tung and Lenin tried to stamp out religion, but only fostered brutality. Religion is an ancient, vast, rich, vital, perennial and irrepressible field of human culture, and absolutely indispensable to individual and collective progress.

Everything in culture that relates to God, transcendence, spirituality, etc. is religion. All religious teachers have advised, recommended, and instituted activities that people do together to promote their spiritual growth, except for Lao Tzu, who is probably a mythic figure. The current anti-religious notions are foolish and irrational. An effort is made to distinguish between religion and spirituality, but the two are merely two words for the same thing.

Even writing or talking with others about the self, introspection, self inquiry, meditation, etc. is a religious activity. Even meditating or contemplating spiritual ideas is part of religion. Religion includes writing and reading religious books, giving or attending religious lectures, discussing or debating spirituality, rituals, charity, religious music, building, maintaining, admiring, analyzing and visiting spiritual architecture, celebrating spiritual holidays, spiritually inspired art, going on spiritual pilgrimage, undertaking austerities or tapas, and a million other things. The Spanish Inquisition, the Christian Crusades, and the Christian inspired global colonial genocide and slavery, are not the sum total of the rich legacy of human religious traditions and practices.

-Merlin Saint Germain

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