Monday, January 19, 2015

Coarseness in art

Coarseness can manifest not only through our thoughts, emotions, and actions but also through so called art, dances, songs, and music.

What is the common coarseness in art? It is any expression that stimulates your lower emotions so that you lose control over them or you experience a depressing conflict within yourself. Your striving, studies, and meditation weaken even in such a degree that eventually you abandon your path.

Coarseness is imposed upon humanity almost against their will, for example, through many publications and radio and television advertisements, movies, and theatrical performances.

The carriers of coarseness are smart enough to start with a very small dosage, and they gradually increase it to avoid confrontation and conflict. They know how to spread coarseness, dressing it in the most beautiful words, clothes, and mannerisms, even in heroism, so that you accept them. They are like medical pills that are obnoxious in taste but coated with sugar and chocolate so that you do not touch the essence as you swallow them.

Coarseness prevents discipline, striving, and efforts to clean and control your body of its urges and drives. Once you are dominated by coarseness, you do not want to go through the discipline to control your manners, your emotions, your words and thoughts. You do not want to go through refining your body, emotions, and thoughts, but you let your thoughts, emotions, and body control you. Usually coarse people are slaves of obsession, subconscious and hypnotic suggestions, or slaves of examples.

Go to a modern dance party and you will not see any design of refined movement. All move the way they want to move, mostly expressing sex energy and emotional complexes.

Go to a ballet and you will see the difference between the two dances. One is the result of striving, understanding, philosophy, plan, and meaning. The other is the result of carelessness behind which there is no aspiration, striving or refinement.

Refined dances are like messages of nobility, philosophy, ideas, and visions. Coarse dances have no message. There is irresponsibility and careless in them, and you do not need training and discipline to dance. Just jump into the crowd and move your body the way you want.

Crime, murder, and violence are spreading everywhere because people are teaching them systematically and by all possible means to lead humanity toward coarseness.

Watch a movie and hear the words that they were not able to use fifty years ago but now are common and accepted. Acceptance of coarseness show how successful are those who are leading this movement toward coarseness.

In old films we used to see striving toward refinement. Love was holy, but now almost in every film you see scenes of sexual intercourse. Very soon the most obnoxious expressions will be accepted as normal expressions of life.

Refinement inspires striving, and striving leads you to your life’s purpose. You grow, bloom, and unfold with your higher potentials. Coarseness leads you toward degeneration and disintegration.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Cosmic Questions vol.3

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