Sunday, January 11, 2015

How to eradicate the damage done to Nature

Humanity committed an unparalleled crime against Nature by destroying the balance of Nature through its scientific experiments and so-called discoveries. Science will not eliminate all that it did to the planet. Science started to improve our life and to make life pleasant to live on the planet but fell into greed and stupidity by interfering with the natural order in life. The same thing will continue to happen, even if a chance is given to science to eradicate the damage that it caused.

The damage is beyond the power of science to eliminate. There must be something beyond science to eradicate the growing damage already done.

What would that be?

Beyond science is the power of renunciation from all the poisons and luxury that science gave us and a return to Nature, if any Nature is left to return to!

Without such a drastic shift, no power on earth can save us from the destruction that is already on the way.

The first blow to our destructive trends must be given to greed and luxury. People must be re-educated to be satisfied with simple foods, simple clothes, and simple dwelling places. To manage the population growth, for at least fifty years, married couples should not have more than one child. Unmarried people should not have children.

We must refrain from eating meat, fish, or chicken. Auto traffic must be cut by seventy-five percent and air traffic by eighty percent.

If we take these steps we will survive. If not, Nature will try to impose these restrictions on us very suddenly and when it is too late.

Appealing to the fields of science, religion, education, finance, art, politics, or philosophy will not help. All these branches of human endeavor as they are now will slowly show their bankruptcy. The only wisdom that will help global humanity is the actualization of the values of renunciation, love, and sacrificial service.

We must turn to Nature and eliminate all that was artificially manufactured to poison humanity and the planet. This can be done through the path of renunciation. This is the only way to salvation.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Cosmic Questions vol.3, p.12

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