Saturday, January 24, 2015

The most dangerous path is seeking pleasure in the spiritual bazaars

People think that spirituality is to run after every so-called teachers or so-called esoteric books and so-called channels and mediums. But real spirituality is not built by accumulating knowledge, opinions, information, but by a transformation of life. And a transformation of life cannot take place until one starts losing his self-interest and begins to serve a great human cause.

At the present we have millions of wanderers who go from one teacher to another, from one book to another, trying to find nourishment for their self-interest. The most dangerous path is seeking pleasure in the spiritual bazaars.

There are lots of so-called “esoteric” or “occult” literature on the market that try by all means to prevent people from devoting themselves to a worthy cause. Every book, teacher, and school for them is like a fashion model, continually presenting to the audience a “new” fashion. The audience enjoys the fashions and the girls, but these fashions do not create in them commitment, dedication to an ideal, and the searchers resemble window shoppers because they do not have any real interest in sacrificing for real objects. Eventually, their interest in spiritual work fades or petrifies, and a moment comes when they even hate any spiritual discussion. Their interest totally evaporates. Such people end their life in despair and depression.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.1

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