Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Teaching advises us to face our departure from the world with real joy

The Teaching advises us to face our departure from the world with real joy, because it is joy that kindles the higher centers in the higher bodies and lights the way toward the Higher Worlds.

This is why the Teaching advises us not to have fear and anxiety during our departure, and not to let people mourn and lament around us.

In various nations, not only do people cry and lament around the departed one, but they also hire women who are professional criers. I was present at one of these situations. The crying ladies were reciting many formulas and words, praising the departed one and emphasizing how “dark the day will be without him or her,” then making the family members and friends cry and cry with louder and louder voices. I could not image a worse hell than this lamentation for the departed one. Some of these people even pull their hair, tear their clothing, scratch their faces as a sign of mourning. The Teaching speaks against such actions and suggests solemnity, peace, gratitude, music, flowers, and joy around the departed one.

Enveloped in fear, the departed one appears like a dark cloud in the Subtle World. He attracts low level entities around him, who in turn increase more fear in him and the departed one feels he has already fallen into hell. It is such souls who haunt people in their dreams, and inject heavy fears in the hearts of their family members or friends.

Children in the world must be taught how to live a joyful life and, during the time of departure, expect to pass to the Other Worlds with intense joy. They must be taught to see the world and the existence with new eyes and new consciousness, free from physical limitations.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Happiness, Joy & Bliss

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