Sunday, June 07, 2015

Build a new image of yourself

You can build a new image of yourself by visualizing yourself as beautiful as you can imagine. I remember a psychiatrist saying to me, “I came to say good-bye. I am going to the other world.”
“Oh, are you going to commit suicide?”
“Yes,” he replied.
“What is your reason?” I asked.
“For fifty years I have been in this profession. People’s pain, suffering, and problems are embedded in my head. Suddenly I saw that I am one of them – a rotten person. Can you imagine, for fifty years I have been earning one hundred dollars an hour and I have never helped these people.”
“Oh, that is fantastic. You have learned many things. Close your eyes.”
“Are you going to hypnotize me?” he asked. “Absolutely not!” I said. He closed his eyes.

I said to him, “Imagine that you are very happy, sitting in a meadow. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. Then imagine that you have found a beautiful woman. The two of you are dancing and singing.”

I was slowly changing his image of himself. Later I changed him into a man who saved two or three people from drowning in a river. His face showed that he was jumping into the river and pulling them ashore. Eventually I had him save a nation and bring humanity into peace. He became greater and greater.

“You rascal,” he said to me, “now I don’t want to die.”
“What are you going to do?” I asked.
“I don’t have much time left, so I must start working for these great visions.” He is now so happy.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The year 2000 & After

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