Saturday, June 20, 2015

Faith in others

Having faith in others calls forth their innate divinity into manifestation. This happens gradually and slowly, but as your faith increases in others, they begin to respond to your faith more deeply.
It is possible that they may first try to take advantage of your faith and think and act with self-interest, even sometimes to a degree that exploits you, but be patient and stay in your faith so that gradually you cleanse them of all wrong motivations and evoke their true spirit to manifest.
Of course, you can show them their failures and selfish conduct, but always make them feel that you have faith in their future success and cooperation. Such a faith is called the invincible conqueror because it slowly destroys a crystallization within them and opens a path for the spiritual light to pour out, washing all that is selfish and ugly.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.1

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