Sunday, June 07, 2015

How did we create our enemies?

Friendship is the discovery of a past pleasant association. Animosity is a painful magnet pulling you into the race that you hate. You must be there to see why they were acting the way they were acting, and understand them. Only such wisdom will eventually annihilate racial discrimination or even destruction, and will bring world peace.

Our enemies were those people in the past whom we abused, misused, suppressed, and exploited. Through such countless actions we created enemies and, after creating our enemies, we gave the right to ourselves to fight against them and to destroy them. But the law is that enemies cannot be destroyed if we created them because they are within us rather than outside of us. We can reverse this by giving back all that we took from them, such as time, energy, matter, life, pleasures, money, dignity, and so on. Unless we pay back the enemy inside of us, we will not forgive ourselves but continually will make our life a hell.

Of course Cosmic Evil was also created, but we are not referring to that. We are referring to those people who became our enemies because of our mistreatment. Any created enemy can also turn into a channel of Cosmic Evil.

God never created evil, but humans did by working against the Law of Compassion and Unity. We made dark forces exist when we denied the divinity in them and exploited them for millions of years because of a superiority of intellect. Enemies are the result of our actions that created karma.

Karma must be exhausted. This exhaustion of karma goes through various steps that change our relationships. First, our relationship with each other is for self-interest. Then our relationship with each other is for mutual interest. Lastly, our relationship with each other is for the interest of ALL. At this point, karma vanishes.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Cosmic Questions vol.3

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