Monday, June 01, 2015

Intellect and intuition

One of my Teachers used to say that intellect in comparison with intuition is a donkey in relation to an airplane. He also used to say that true willpower in comparison with intuition is a sun in relation to the ocean.

Buddhism in most cases is stuck with intellect, reason, and logic. Christianity in most cases uses aspiration, faith, and worship. Both are useful if the user is a Buddha, or one who functions in the Intuitional Plane.

The missing link in these two religions or religious philosophies is the lack of the Teaching of the Self – which was provided in the Upanishads. When the awareness of the Self is actualized, we will see a great process of unification in the field of philosophy, science, and religion.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.1

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