Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Causes of shocks

Shocks are moments in our individual life when we awaken and come to our senses. These shocks can come from our Soul, from our Teacher, from our consciousness, from our enemies or friends, or from world events. They force us to have a new viewpoint, a new attitude, and a new change in our life.
Shocks come when we criticize or talk and do things against the natural laws. Sometime shocks warn us and give us time. Sometimes they destroy us altogether.
Shocks are of a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual in nature.
The causes of shocks are many, such as:
1. Individual crystallization and delay of evolution
2. National karma and crystallization
3. Initiation of a Planetary or Solar Logos

4 .Cosmic disturbances, the tidal waves of which reach our shores.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Cosmic Questions vol.3

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