Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Law of Karma transcends the limitations of our time equations

The Law of Karma transcends the limitations of our time equations. The triple reaction to action –physical, emotional, and mental—can reach us at various times. For example, the physical reaction to an action may come 2000 years later. The reaction in our emotional nature may come a few centuries before that, and the reaction in our mental nature may come in 15 years, or even immediately. It may also happen that all three of these reactions come to our personality in one package. The law is that no one can escape the consequences of his actions.

Not a single word, thought, or impression from an action is lost in space. They are all in the computer. In esoteric books, we read that the operators of this computer are Solar Beings Who are far more advanced than man can imagine.

Thus when we speak of karma, we mean a great computer system built by webs of electrical and magnetic energies; a huge superhuman computer which is righteous for all individual, group, national, and global karma.

It seems that the purpose of the Law of Karma is to teach us how to renounce the self, which is the axis that keeps the wheel of karma turning. Once the self is renounced, man becomes the lord or, let us say, the master of his karma.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Education as Transformation vol.1

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