Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The more conscious you are, the more control you have over your life

People look in different directions to find the solutions to their problems. If you have financial problems you say it is because of the stock market and many other reasons. It is not so. There is one cause of it. You were not conscious. You do not have the causes of the failure in your hand and you did not learn how to manipulate, how to operate these causes so that they create effects that you are really expecting.
In your individual life if you see that you are not successful, if you see that you did not finish your university, your college, if you see that your family life is a mess, do not blame anything. Blame yourself that you did not expand your consciousness outside and inside. This means you did not become “plus”. You became “minus.”.
For example, you are opening a business and in the meantime you are doping, drinking, wasting your energy. All these mean decrease of consciousness. Everything that is decreasing your consciousness means you are losing control of your business, your life, your family, and the events of the planet. The more conscious you are, the more control you have over your business, your life, your family. The less consciousness you have, the less control you have in your life.


-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.1

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