Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Every kingdom has its rights

We have a very wrong idea and wrong emphasis that man is the ruler of Nature. This has created in the consciousness of humanity a type of ego and separative consciousness that says man is the ruler of this world and this Universe, and that everything must be subordinated to human beings. Exploitation began in the human kingdom when humanity interfered with the lower kingdoms by using them as sources of amusement, pleasure, food, and exploitation through experimentation.

Each human being must know that he is one link in the chain of existence. As a whole, humanity is one link in the chain. If we really understand this, we will give greater respect to the other kingdoms and learn from them. Just as the human kingdom has its own rights, the other kingdoms have their rights. This gives us an idea of the interrelationship between the kingdoms. There are kingdoms below us and kingdoms above us. Each kingdom is trying to go beyond its own limits and pass into the next kingdom. This concept gives us a progressive urge to transcend and surpass ourselves and be in another state of consciousness.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Passage to Higher Worlds

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