Tuesday, September 29, 2015

You stop your evolution if you do not believe in higher realms

We sometimes think that being human is as far as we can go. Even those who believe in reincarnation continuously emphasize that a person is going to be born as a man or woman and evolve, but stay as a human being. This idea is also wrong.

At one time you were a mineral. Then you became a vegetable, then an animal, and now a human being. You are also going to function in higher forms. But if you do not know that there are possibilities to cease being human and become superhuman, your evolution stops. Whatever you think in your heart is what you are. You stop your evolution if you do not believe in higher realms and strive toward them; you cannot go beyond yourself. The Ageless Wisdom says that if great scientists do not believe in immortality and other lives, they will die and become encapsulated in darkness, born again in the same condition. They stop their own progress by thinking that there is nothing beyond what the human being is.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Passage to Higher Worlds

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