Thursday, October 15, 2015

You become noble when you become grateful

You become noble when you become grateful. When you turn your back on those who helped you, pulled you from the grave, from insanity, from stupidity, you are finished. You are going toward darkness.

I remember very well, a girl came who was visiting our center. She said, “I am going away for a while.” “Where?” I asked. “We have a group of people. We are going all over the world to speak about love and compassion and peace.” “That is fantastic,” I said. One day I saw that they were rehearsing. You should have seen them. They were flying, heaven and earth, preaching that we must unite all over the world. Brotherhood must come to this world. Everybody must love each other, respect each other, and so on. “Fantastic,” I said. So she went.

Six months later she suddenly appeared. “I came back.” “Wonderful,” I said. “How are mommy, daddy?’ “Mommy, daddy! Who cares about them?” “What,” I said, “then why were you going and singing about brotherhood, unity, beauty, love, compassion, and sacrifice? You are crazy. Get lost, I do not want to see your face anymore.”

Your mother, your father, no matter how obnoxious they are, they gave you birth! But you cannot tell these things to the children of radio and television and movies. They are not children of human beings, but children of movies, television, children of drugs. What are you going to tell them? Respect your father. Who is father? Who is mother? Because they do not recognize their father and mother, there is no nobility in them. There is no justice in them. They are sick because the gratitude that heals is absent from their hearts.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.2

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