Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Can departed ones communicate with us?

No astral entity, if he is living, comes to the physical plane. That is absolutely forbidden. It is not astral or mental entities that we see. It can be either an astral corpse or dark forces, or even mischievous devas that play these games. They use the astral body of a dead person and come to your room to pretend they are owners of the astral body. They can enter into an astral shell and make you think a loved one appeared to you in your dream. The deva activates the recording in the astral shell and plays it back to you, and you believe your loved one is communicating with you.
A human being leaves his astral body in the astral plane and can never come to the physical plane. No dead person comes back to the physical plane. You can go to them, but they cannot come to you. It is forbidden; the veils are closed.
They do not give any messages. It is your projection, your fabrication that makes you believe they are giving messages. No entity can descend through the veils into the physical plane after death until he goes to the heaven side and comes back into physical incarnation. Departed ones will never come to you. Any messages given may be from dark forces or indifferent devas.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Passage to Higher Worlds


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