Monday, November 23, 2015

The voice of the heart creates heroes

There is a difference between the heart and emotional desire. You need to use clear discrimination in order to follow your heart. The direction of the heart reflects the principles of beauty, purity, unity, compassion, synthesis, and freedom. Emotional desire often imitates the voice of the heart, but if you have a musical ear, you can immediately determine which is the correct sound. Emotional urges are mostly related to the satisfaction of our senses and ego. They are separative, greedy, and selfish. The voice of the heart leads to self-denial, sacrifice, striving, labor, inclusiveness, and beauty.
Those who follow their heart are challenged to climb to great heights. Those who follow their earthbound desires and emotions will find themselves on the road to hell. The voice of the heart creates heroes; the urges of the emotions create slaves.


-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.1, p.344

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