Saturday, December 26, 2015

We all think that we are immortals...

We all think that we are immortals. We are not. Immortals are those beings that created continuity of consciousness and became living souls. If you do not build a living soul within you, immediately when you die, you are dissipated, you are finished, you are gone. Then how do you incarnate?
You do not incarnate. Your acts, your emotions, your thoughts, echo into the Universe and come back and form the same personality that you had. That is what is called, in Indian and Tibetan wisdom, “scandas”. It is the scandas that build what you are now, and you do not have any continuity of consciousness with the past, neither with the future.
Immediately when the sun within you is risen, you have continuity of consciousness and you are immortal. Do you remember your past lives? You don’t. Then you are dead. Do you know where you are going to go? You don’t. That is why Christmas is such a serious moment in which we are going to realize, “What am I doing here? What have I done for sixty, seventy, eighty years?’ What did you do? You ate. You enjoyed. That is all. You hated, you were angry, you robbed people, you deceived, this or that. That is what we did. How can we overcome that? We can become a new human being.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Teachings of Christ vol.1

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