Sunday, December 13, 2015

Woman in the ancient world was worshiped

Woman in the ancient world was worshiped. She was not an advertisement in pornographic magazines. She was not a symbol of sex, of lust. She was a symbol of beauty, purity, and fragrance. Se when people think about woman, they must not think about sex, body, or legs. They must think, first, that this woman has a special, divine, or universal quality in her spirit that causes flowering.

In the ancient times they understood that the woman is so important and that when woman degenerates in any civilization, that civilization ends. That is why we say, “The homes are built or destroyed by mothers.” It is very powerful!

Don’t forget. A great woman can give birth to a great child. The father is okay. The father is beautiful, but the child is not nine months in the father. In that nine months it is so secret. In that nine months you are not just building the muscles and bones. That is what people normally think, but you are building the emotional mechanism there, secret mechanisms, the mental mechanism, the motives, the future, the visions, dreams, aspirations, the spiritual insight and foresight. You are building all these in your body, and if you don’t have all these things, what are you going to give to your baby? Are you giving freeways, accidents, hurts, irritations, jobs, and on and on? What are you going to give to that baby who is given to you as a gift?

Your babies are your gifts, your holy gifts. They are a part of God. They are a gift coming to you. How must you accept that gift, and how worthy must you be for that gift so that the gift is really great!

Gracefulness is so important. When I see girls acting like cowboys, like men, it is the reverse of their nature. Girls must spread grace, harmony, music, dance. When they walk into a party, there are so different. It’s so beautiful to see the woman in her gracefulness, with her dress, hair, and manners.

Yesterday I was in a restaurant. A girl was cursing her husband in such a manner even a boy couldn’t do that. That shouldn’t be the nature of woman. We are going to worship them because men need to worship!

If you don’t have someone you can love and worship, you are lost! And man does not admit that. Go into your heart and really examine. When you worship that woman, she uplifts you. If you don’t love that woman or if you humiliate that woman and make her dirty, you lose yourself! I’m not giving you religion, psychology, physics, or chemistry. This is life! Pure life! You should have somebody to worship, and you must expect your women to be worthy of worship. Make yourself a worshiper of beauty. That is so beautiful!

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.2

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