Wednesday, January 27, 2016

If you take care of yourself while you are young, then you do not need to take care of yourself when you are old

When I was fourteen years old, my Daddy said something I have never forgotten. He said, “Until twenty-one live like an old man so that after twenty-one you become always young. Do not mix yourself with those who are doping themselves, who are drinking and going to prostitutes, this or that. Do not do it. Be an old man ninety years old as if you are physically impotent. Eat little; take care of yourself like an old man.”
I never forgot that. When I had my school with six hundred teenagers, very beautiful boys and girls, I told them this story. I said, “You know, if you take care of yourself while you are young, then you do not need to take care of yourself when you are old.”
When I see a woman or man who is ninety, ninety-five, hundred-ten, hundred-fifty, I am so happy. When I went to Africa there were two ladies, one who was one hundred forty-seven, the other one hundred fifty-three. Their skin was like an elephant’s and they were so joyful. I asked, “When are you going to die?” They answered, “What is your hurry? Let us enjoy a little more.” They were so funny and happy.
Immediately my Daddy’s advice came to my mind. I said to them, “Can I ask a question?” “Okay.” “How did you live when you were young?” “We worked from four in the morning till eight at night. That was our whole life until we were thirty years old.” “That is the secret,” I said. They did not waste themselves, did not smoke, did not use dope, did not waste their time in front of television. It is ugly television that day and night poisons us. They did not go with bad friends, and now they lived to one hundred forty-seven, fifty-three. They were beautiful, beautiful ladies.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.2

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