Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Patience has many rewards

I know a woman who had an alcoholic husband. One day she decided to divorce him, and she came to me saying, “I want to divorce him. All he does is drink.” “Do not hurry with your decision,” I advised her. “Be patient; maybe one day you will change him.”

She decided to wait, and it took her four years. One day she brought her husband to see me and introduced me to him. “He is a new man,” she said. “I am glad I followed your suggestion. He has received a promotion at work, and we brought you a gift.” With tears in his eyes, the husband said, “I am so glad that you helped my wife in those dark days.” And the woman said, “There is no higher joy than the joy I felt when this man overcame his drinking habit. I wanted a new man, and here he is.”

Patience has many rewards. It also pays your karma and releases you from many debts.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.1, p.378

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