Saturday, March 05, 2016

Forceful expansion of consciousness and opening the chakras

Consciousness expands gradually as a result of striving, service, and meditation. Of course, it is possible to see an apparently sudden expansion of consciousness, but this seldom lasts long and may eventually exhaust itself and express itself as betrayal. Many enemies of light are those who in some way were blinded by excessive exposure to light. This is why great Teachers never look for disciples but allow karma to bring them to Their feet. They do, however, send a call and let disciples walk the lonely path, through striving and effort, that the consciousness is prepared to receive the precious Teaching.

Contemporary, forceful methods that try to expand the consciousness prematurely have created the unsafe world in which we live. The Teacher must create the right conditions and the right means to deal with the light of consciousness. Illumination of consciousness takes many ages of experience, suffering, effort, and striving.


People try to open their chakras by using various exercises before they are ready to handle the energy that would release itself if they were successful. This is a violation of consciousness. Our chakras must open and unfold as a result of our expanding consciousness and according to the degree of our consciousness. If we force ourselves to act beyond our consciousness and force our chakras to open, our chakras will become a source of unending trouble for us. It is the expanding consciousness that must open the chakras. Artificial methods to open them end in disaster.

It is good to know about the chakras and, without concentrating our minds on them, expand our consciousness through meditation, labor, and service. The unfolding petals of the chakras will directly follow the expanding consciousness.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.2

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