Friday, April 15, 2016

Abortion is a very serious crime

A few months or a few years prior to conception on the physical plane, the Solar Angel and the human soul start building [the vehicles of the embryo] on the mental, astral, and etheric planes. This is why it is a great crime to destroy the embryo. Destruction of the embryo means that all of the labor that the Solar Angel and the human soul did in higher planes is wasted.

Abortion is a very serious crime. It is not right. There are methods now to prevent conception. Why aren’t more people doing this? I know women who had many abortions and they went to mental asylums. Now their subconscious is very mixed up. They do not know how to live. Also, the babies that they killed are bothering them psychologically and physically and asking, “Why did you do this to us?” It is a very complex issue. If you have done this in the past, do not repeat it.

Women are not free to do anything they want to do. Nature is not free. People are not free. Everyone is living in the Laws of Nature. If you are a woman who have conceived, you are going to give birth to that child.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Higher Psychism

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