Sunday, July 31, 2016


According to the Ageless Wisdom, the Solar Logos created the Archetypes for all forms that would help incarnating spirits to evolve. These Archetypes are built from the Cosmic mental substance. They are platonic ideas which constantly travel, eventually reaching the lowest plane and producing on each plane a reflection of the true Archetype until it is substantiated in physical matter on the physical plane.

Thus, any form on Earth has its corresponding form on the astral, mental, Intuitional, and higher Planes, as in the Cosmic Astral and Cosmic Mental Planes. As we go higher in observing the Archetypes, we see that they more closely resemble the original Archetype and they are more beautiful. Actually, Archetypes are models of Beauty; they are created by a Cosmic Mind. Thus, a true Idea, an Archetype, and Beauty are synonymous in esoteric science.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Cosmic Questions vol.2

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