Friday, July 08, 2016

Man suffers because of the contents of his subconscious mind

Some people attribute their suffering to Divine Will, or assume that God makes them suffer so that they inherit the Kingdom of God. It is clear that God has nothing to do with their suffering – and suffering is not necessarily a ticket to paradise. Man suffers because of the contents of his subconscious mind. Under the influence of the subconscious mind, he even likes to suffer because suffering makes him feel that an inner swelling is throwing out the pus.

Man does not need to suffer to correct himself. To change people through suffering is a very old, subconsciously originated and failed method that until today is still used officially and legally. Punishing a guilty person contributes additional layers of negative recordings to his subconscious and makes him worse for this life and his next life. There are times when punishment acts as a guard for the doors of the subconscious mind, but this is only for a while. The contents of the subconscious mind eventually gain strength and once more control his life.

God never punishes man. Christ came to demonstrate this with His own life-example, but people did not understand this because their subconscious minds were filled with the images of a revengeful God who punished and destroyed.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.2

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