Thursday, July 14, 2016

People think that because they are Sparks of God, they do not need guidance

People think that because they are Sparks of God, they do not need the Inner Guide, the Teacher, or the Chalice – that they can bring the higher light and power from within. This is true in a sense, but we must remember that the Spark, the real man, the Self, is still in infancy and needs to grow and mature until he can stand on his own feet and manifest his innate glory. To that end, he needs guides, Teachers, and leaders who have passed through the same path on previous cycles.

There is no pilgrim on the Path who has not been guided by someone, visibly or invisibly. Only the ignorant boast that they do it alone, and they fall into ingratitude toward those who guide and teach them.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.2

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