Saturday, July 02, 2016

Those who think that reporting crime and ugliness is a service to humanity are those who encourage crime

Those who think that reporting crime and ugliness is a service to humanity are those who encourage crime in its many forms. The evidence of the damage done does not need any witness. Why do we need to know how a man who lives thousands of miles away, or even in our own neighborhood, slaughtered his wife? That is the profit in this?

The unrest and the increasing crime we see in the world are due to the restimulation and association of the contents of the permanent atoms and the subconscious mind, activated by the daily news of crime, violence, and murder reported by radio, television, newspapers, and magazines. Suppose someone has a recording of a murder in his permanent atoms and he reads a report from China that someone there murdered another person. After reading this, the person’s own criminal recording will be restimulated and associated with the recording of his lower mind. He will either feel very uncomfortable, dizzy, or painful or he will develop an inclination to repeat his crime.

It is also possible that a person can identify himself with a criminal he sees in the movies or reads about in a book to use up his blind inclination toward crime. He becomes temporarily released from it. Gradually, however, the subconscious image finds a greater opportunity to actualize itself through him because he has identified with a criminal in the movie or story.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.2

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