Saturday, September 24, 2016

Who are our enemies and how are they created?

Every time we hurt people, lie about them, slander them, we build their image within us, as our enemy because we feel guilty. Subjectively we feel that we made enemies because we hurt them, lied about them, and slander them. So we build their image within our mind and make it our enemy.

If we want to know who our enemies are, we must search our hearts and discover the people we hated, hurt, lied about, and slandered; their images are our enemies within us, even if outwardly the person knows nothing about our harmful actions.

We hate others not because others hurt us, but because we hurt them. This means you hate the part of yourself that hurt others, and this part of yourself becomes your enemy.

When you start to be your own friend, you will see that most of the people in the world are your friends, even so-called enemies. The friend in you is the result of good deeds you did for others.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Art of Teaching

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