Monday, November 14, 2016

Scorpio - Victory over limitations

There is another very interesting thing in the Scorpio life. Scorpio fights against his own achievements, victories, positions, and successes. Every time a true Scorpio has a success, a great achievement, a great victory, he knows that these things are more subtle and powerful enemies than any enemy he knew in the past. You glorify yourself because you achieved something, you did something, you are so great. That is your trap. That is your prison.

A Scorpio is never, never enslaved in his own achievements. Achievements, successes, great progress make you pleasant. They make you happy. "I achieved. I am something!" That something that is at that level freezes you and you are frozen like the wife of Lot. You are frozen on the Path and you cannot proceed anymore because you have fallen in love with your own image. Your image became your own grave.

If you do not break that limitation of your achievement, of your position, of your expansion of consciousness, of your knowledge, of your realization, of your understanding, you are going to be a slave on that level and you are frozen. That is how we keep our humility.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac

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