Sunday, December 25, 2016

Disease is the result of accumulation of those moments in which we act without love

Disease is the result of accumulation of those moments in our life in which we act without love, we speak without love, we think without love, we play without love. Those moments in our life accumulate or have accumulated throughout lives and eventually collected themselves, accumulated themselves in our bodies. They became disintegrative factors in our body, the source of disease and sickness and maladies and ailments.

Your sickness is the result of your transgressions against the rule of love. That is why in very, very old centuries, in Vedic times, in Upanishadic times, in ancient Chaldea, Assyria, and different places, when a person became sick, they pitied the person and thought it was the result of sin.

What is the sin? There is only one sin -- if you reject love, you are sinning.

If somebody starts gossiping and slandering, or his or her heart is full of jealousy and revenge, I say, "Sickness is coming." Two months later, two years later the sickness is there because the effects of the hatred are accumulating. If someone is clairvoyant he will see how the people are slowly, slowly accumulating dark spots in their aura, and these dark spots are nest of future diseases.

Do not believe when the scientists say these things are caused by germs, viruses, and those kinds of things. There is no such thing. Viruses are lives, germs are lives, microbes are lives. Just as you are lives, they are lives, and they have a right to live because God created them. How can they be harmful to your body, to your emotions, to your mind? They are harmful when you are not protected by love, when your love cannot transform them.

The germ comes and enters your body, but when there is love it changes into energy because every germ is a wave of energy. Many false teachings are given in our institutions, instead of teaching the foundation of life so that we have a society build on the firm foundation of love. Then we could enjoy life and help other people to enjoy life. On the contrary, we are destroying our life and others' lives by not putting ourselves in the rhythm of love, in the waves of love, in the energy currents of love.

You can solve the problems by love, and you can eliminate your diseases by love. To have love you are going to go out of your skin, your self-centered life. Right now life interests you if it is beneficial for your selfish interests. When are you going to drop this vicious circle and get out of your skin and become love? Only then will you understand what we are talking about.

Love is expansion, inclusiveness, and dissipation of ego. Ego is a wound in your soul. Ego says, "I know," "I can do it," "I am somebody." Who you are? You are not even an atom. Love is the dissipation of this ignorance. The greatest sin in the world is committed when you stand out of the circle of love. Everybody in the world is sinful, and the result of sin is death, disease. The Bible says so, but who listens to the Bible? "It is old-fashioned!"

All diseases of the bodies -- physical, emotional, mental, and etheric -- are the result of the seeds planted by our thoughts against love, by our emotions against love, by our actions against love. Because of such actions we have destroyed our immune system.

Now I am saying something that maybe twenty years later you are going to read in the papers. The immune system is a love system. When love evaporates from your system, you do not have an immune system. The immune system is disintegrating in our country and everywhere because we are forcing hatred and killing the love. Everything we are organizing is based not on love but on self-interest.

If you want to run a life on the basis of hatred, disintegration, rejection, malice, and slander, you can do that, but you will see that sickness and disease will be after you forever. It is man who brings calamity to his own life.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Esoteric Science of Healing

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing such deep knowledge 🙏
    Divine blessings of light, love and power to all the sentient beings.
    Aatma Namaste!
