Sunday, December 18, 2016

The birth of Christ is the first initiation

The birth of Christ is the first initiation. It is the initiation in which you become an independent person. What does it mean to be independent? It means you become able to take care of yourself, financially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. As you become more independent, you become more dependent on spiritual realms, but first you must experience standing on your feet. Solve your problems. Make money if you are not making enough. Do not hang on others. Face your responsibilities. This is one of the great signs of a new birth. Before, you do not care about your responsibilities and duties. You ignore this and that, even your wife, even your husband, even your children; but once the formation of Christ begins within you, you become a responsible person. You say, "Honey, what can I do for you so that we are both beautiful, our children, everybody, our group, our humanity is beautiful?"

So the first sign is independence. You do not hang on people and exploit them, manipulate them for your own sake. That is so bad. Until you find the way to be independent and guide your life for yourself, you cannot enter into a new birth experience.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Teachings of Christ vol.1

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