Saturday, February 04, 2017

Speech and health

You must learn to be silent in many, many instances. You must learn to speak only what needs to be said. Your level of achievement or whatever you are is the result of your speech. Even your sicknesses are related to your speech.

In all esoteric Teaching, there is great emphasis placed on speech - right speech without exaggeration. Even one word used unrighteously or improperly creates an effect on your consciousness.

Speech creates a tremendous vibration in your electromagnetic field. Wrong speech - criticism, lies, hatred - creates stones in your electromagnetic field. This is also the reason why great Teachers advise us to be silent when we are sick so that we heal ourselves more quickly. Whenever you speak about wrong things, you disturb and distort the symphony of your being, just like a man who enters a symphony hall and starts to bang on a barrel while the orchestra is playing. Whenever you distort your being, you cannot have health.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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