Thursday, March 23, 2017

The best thing for you at the present is to do meditation

With those people who are doing meditation you can see in their life that they are changing. I knew a lady. This lady was so tough. This lady was acting like a macho man. She can do everything, anything, swears, cusses. One day she came to me and said, "Do you think I am okay?" I said, "I see everything okay, but shall I give you a meditation to start doing?"

After doing three months of meditation, she came back and said, "I am very angry." "Why?" "You did not tell me I was a very bad bitch." "It is not my place to tell you that to you." "Why did you not tell me? I am doing meditation and looking at myself and I am just polluted trash." "Well lady, I do not say these things. It is better if you find it yourself." If I had told her, she was going to attack my throat immediately.

You are going to see. That is the beauty. You are going to see how silly you are, how stupid you are, how square you are, how tough you are, how unrefined you are. You are going to see it. When you see it, you are going to take constructive action and say, "Wow, it is better to put myself in shape because that is better."

The best thing for you at the present is to do meditation.

-Trokom Saraydarian
The Art of Teaching

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