Monday, April 24, 2017

When your light increases, your virtues increase, but your vices also increase

If a person who is full of hatred, anger, fear, revenge, treason, and jealousy is given the Teaching, it will increase his vices. I have seen this many times. For example, a woman had a problem with jealousy. Then ten years later her jealousy became a viper. This occurred because she did not uproot that weed, which gradually was nourished by the Teaching. First you must work on the cleaning process, the work of purification. After you clean your personality, the dosage of Wisdom will increase and nourish the "flowers", not the "weeds" in your "garden." When your light increases, your virtues increase. And when your light increases, your vices also increase.

In spring, you can see in your garden that all of the weeds as well as the flowers grow and bloom. The Sun gives Its energy, and the vices and virtues grow side by side. A good gardener will be able to slowly, slowly remove the bad seeds from his garden, so when the energy comes, only the good plants will start growing within him.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.3

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