Sunday, August 13, 2017

In the future a totally new science will be developed to welcome babies

In the future, newborn babies will be examined by highly advanced psychiatrists who will be able to see the different psychology, mood, and radiation of the babies.

A totally new science will be developed to welcome babies and detect very valuable information about the journey they took to reach the physical plane. This science will be able to dissociate parental effects, even effects of inheritance, from the psychic condition of the babies and formulate various methods of handling the babies.

Sometimes it will even be possible to see in the mirror of the babies' aura the video tape of their journey.

Such a science eventually will discover not only the "location" of the babies' departure but also the evidence of their mundane life in the past.

Through this science will be discovered also the secret of karmic relationships with parents and sisters and brothers.

This fascinating science will slowly develop toward the year 2050. The psychiatrists at that time will have degrees in astrology and electronics, and some of them will be clairvoyants.

After observing the baby medically, astrologically, and psychologically, a good forecast can be given to the parents about how to deal with that baby and in what atmosphere to raise him or her.

When this science develops, then every child will be directed to the right duty, the right field, and the right responsibility. In this way a great amount of energy, time, and life will be economized.

Most people do not have the memory of their dharma, and they wander through many different fields until they reach age sixty or seventy. Then they remember what to do, but all their former years were wasted.

A professional group can guide the life of the baby, forecasting his potentials, tendencies, and weaknesses  -- something that is not done yet. This group of professionals can even develop a system of meditation or contemplation through which the growing person slowly starts to remember his dharma and guide his life accordingly.

The most precious elements that must be presented to the newcomer are love and welcoming. The baby's soul will crave these two substances. Often most mothers will give these substances to their babies, but the maternity hospital must be a place of love, beauty, and blessing.

A child who comes into such an atmosphere will remember his dharma, his responsibilities, and from the beginning such a memory will be his guide.

If the relationship between the Solar Angel and the human soul is established and conscious, the memory of dharma will never fade, and year after year it will inspire the person and urge him ahead.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Passage to Higher Worlds

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