Thursday, August 17, 2017

Those who have been in Devachan...

Those who have been in Devachan, when they incarnate, have an inner belief in immortality, infinity, and in higher virtues -- whereas those who have not been in Devachan do not believe in a life after. Neither do they believe in Great Ones, Hierarchy, or a spiritual dimension. They believe in money, land, possessions, jewelry because they never had a chance to open their heart in the bliss of Devachan.

Not everyone can enter into Devachan. Those who are intellectually and morally backward, most of these people turn back into the door of incarnation from the lower mental plane. They do not enjoy the beauty of the Higher Worlds, and most of them cause the problems of humanity through their ugliness, separatism, greed, ignorance, and exploitations.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Passage to Higher Worlds

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