Saturday, September 02, 2017

Languages were built as a result of human repression of consciousness

Communication with a fellow human being does not mean to converse with him, to exchange ideas, but to be completely aware of each other's computer's files.

Communication with higher and higher consciousnesses eliminates all ego, vanity, and self-interest. This communication with a fellow human being becomes safe and impersonal.

As we cultivate and expand our consciousness, it will be possible to annihilate all the language problems and telepathically have access to the consciousness of others.

Languages were built as a result of human repression of consciousness. Regeneration of the consciousness will start by using symbols, which lead our consciousness to the intuitional level. There, language will vanish because we will live in the Presence. All separation on any level will vanish, and we will head toward absolute communication.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.2, p.384

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