Saturday, September 09, 2017

Willpower is born in you when you conquer difficulties consciously

To develop willpower you must create difficulties and overcome them. There is no other way. The moment you encounter a difficulty is your chance to develop willpower. In an easy life we become lizards.

If life is not difficult enough for you, make it more difficult so you can conquer it.

Difficulties must be created on physical, emotional, and mental levels. For example, on the physical level you can set a goal to run four miles a day or to work in your garden or to build something. Then you do it.

On the emotional level you can create difficulties by trying to be calm, serene, and joyful in unpleasant conditions. Or you can dare to do something courageous and be fearless in difficult circumstances you create for yourself.

On the mental level you can create difficulties by deciding to write a book, to paint something beautiful, to sculpt a statue, to solve a difficult problem, or to see the hidden causes of certain events.

Willpower is born in you when you conquer difficulties consciously.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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