Wednesday, December 06, 2017

The emotional bodies of human beings are more sick than their physical bodies

People think that only their bodies are sick. Maybe three thousand years from now, you will see hospitals for emotional bodies. The emotional bodies of human beings are more sick than their physical bodies. Hatred, anger, fear, revenge, treason, slander, and jealousy are the main cancerous diseases of the emotional body, but people do not realize this.

It was reported recently that doctors have discovered that fear and anger create cancer. Interestingly, this was reported thousands of years ago. Why have we been waiting to discover this? I am grateful that science has at last found proof that there is an anger element in the blood. This element creates stimulation to nerve channels and other parts of our body, eventually creating cancer, tumors, heart attacks, and strokes.

When you start releasing your own Core, that divineness, that great beauty and splendor within you will wash away your emotional illness.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Self-Actualization & Self-Mastery

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