Wednesday, December 13, 2017

What are the contents of the subconscious mind?

What are the contents of the subconscious mind?

-All records of past pain, suffering, failure, and misdeeds of the person
-All thoughtforms of fear, hatred, jealousy, revenge, dishonesty, and exploitation
-All recordings of disastrous events, such as death, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, genocide, murder, loss, and so on
-All recordings of sinful actions and encapsulated tensions of blind urges and drives
-All recordings of denial, disrespect, and slander that a person experienced in the past
-All slanderous actions toward the Teaching: prejudices, fanaticism, and ingratitude
-All slanderous thoughts, feelings, and actions against one's own essential divinity

These seven categories basically describe the contents of the subconscious storage. The subconscious storage carries many, many recordings of the past one hundred to one thousand lives.

Most insanity in the world is caused by the flood of the subconscious mind utilized intelligently by dark forces.

The subconscious storage remains in the mind for a long time and becomes the main source of a person's suffering, pain, failure, and ill health.

Psychological and psychiatric treatment is a feeble effort to release and handle the subconscious flood safely.

Churches use the methods of confession, repentance, and renunciation. But the safest method to clean up the subconscious storage is through scientific meditation -- a meditation that is regular and continuous.

As a person cleans out the trash from the subconscious mind the following happen:

-His health improves
-His emotions become positive and happy
-His imagination comes under his control
-He has clarity of thinking
-He develops stability in his labor to achieve his goal
-Mental confusion disappears
-Creativity and joy steadily increase in his life

Thus, scientific meditation actually helps a person discover and liberate himself in practical ways. He enjoys life more abundantly, as well as helping him reconstruct or even recreate a new person - a person of efficiency, creativity, leadership, stability, and beauty.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Meditation vol.1

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