Monday, January 22, 2018

How to conquer negativity

We can conquer negativity by the following methods:

One thing that is very important is to increase your joy. Every time you are depleted of joy, you fall into negativity. So take the book Joy and Healing and study it and eventually memorize one of the exercise sections in it. You will save your life because if you fall into negativity, all other devils will follow it. First increase joy within you. Joy is psychic energy and it destroys all kinds of negativity. Joy comes from your Solar Angel, from your inner resources.

The second step is to show people the consequences of negativity, what negativity does to their body, to their friendship, to their nervous system, and to their creativity. Tell them what wrong decisions they make, and how their decisions affect all the people who are related to them, their nation and humanity.

Discuss negativity very openly. Do not hide anything. But you are going to bring it up to a scientific or psychological state of expression and make it creative, such as creating a drama.

Reveal the causes of the negativity.

When you see that a person is acting negatively tell him or her the positive side of a situation and how things can be done positively.

Try to show him or her the bright side of things. Teach your friends how to appreciate things.

Teach people admiration.

You are going to create ecstasy to conquer negativity.

Fasting is very important. When you fast, and if you are obsessed by negative spirits, they will not like you and leave. When you fast, they become hungry and look for someone else to nourish them. I am not joking. That is why Christ said, "You can take the evils from people after fasting." Fasting is very important, and if you have certain problems in your home that you cannot solve, fast and you will notice that your negativity and various other poisons will disappear. Then you will not be tasty for the devils.

Do not marry negative people. Do not hire them in your business. If you have done this already, change them. Do not give any high position to them because they will destroy you.

Negativity also is found on three levels: physically negative people, emotionally negative, and mentally negative people. It is easy to cure physical and emotional negativity. Negativity in the physical body appears in manners and dressing. But it is very difficult to cure mental negativity. Such people are very smart, sharp, witty, and to handle them you will need to be super intelligent and in some degree consciously negative.

Let me mention a few other agents of healing from negativity. They are seclusion, silence, fasting, prayer, meditation, gratitude, creativity, and again, joy exercises. If you do these things you will find the ways and means to pull yourself out of negativity.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Self-Actualization & Self-Mastery

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