Thursday, January 04, 2018

True meditation is done when...

True meditation is done when the consciousness operates on the third level of the mental plane. One can know that his consciousness is operating on the third mental level by observing the following signs:

1.a sense of immortality
2. a sense of timelessness
3. a sense of non-existence
4. a deep joy and serenity
5. a realization that nothing will stop progress toward perfection
6. an increasing development of indifference toward factors that slowly lose their power over one who does real meditation: *treason, *failure, *mistakes, *defeat, *betrayal, *malice, *slander.
7. an increasing development of indifference toward: *praise, *fame, *reputation, *success, *victory, *position, *possessions.
8. a sensitivity to feel divinity in everything, everywhere
9. abstract idealism and practical thinking and action
10. increasing creativity
11. increasing urge to serve
12. increasing urge to cooperate with the creative forces of the Universe
13. increasing energy and courage in the physical, emotional, and mental realms
14. clear observation
15. increasing awareness of the Higher Worlds

These fifteen signs are indications that the consciousness of the person is operating on the third level of the higher mind.

As the consciousness advances in the mental plane, meditation turns into contemplation and eventually into illumination. As the consciousness climbs up and expands on the mental plane, a person begins to realize the existence of higher communications. His communication with his Inner Guide increases. Then he registers communication with living Great Ones Who were watching his progress on the Path. He then eventually comes into contact with his Teacher.

Many who think they are doing meditation are wandering through the corridors of the lower mind, playing with imported or self-made thoughtforms, or with past memories collected in their mental body.

Meditation is a breakthrough from all those psychological limitations which our memory weaves with the thread of our past failures. Once a breakthrough is made, the creative powers of a person increase with energy and vision.

True meditation continually raises a person from the limiting factors of his life toward freedom.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Meditation vol.1

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