Saturday, March 24, 2018

Beware of those who gossip

Beware of those who gossip. They are distributors of germs which are very hard to annihilate. Dark forces work through gossipers to create disturbances in the hearts and minds of people. Do not encourage gossipers by listening to them. They will talk the same way about you to others. Gossipers are sick people. Their heart center is covered in a gray mist, and their consciousness is in the process of degeneration.

There is a service you can do for those who gossip:

a. Ask if they are perfect.
b. Ask if they have things in their nature which are vulnerable.
c. Ask if they really know who they are.
d. Ask if they have the same character as their victims.
e. Ask the reason why they want to gossip.
f. Ask them to go and talk to their victims.

With these six questions you will unveil their true face.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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