Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Meditation creates a very important kind of tension

There was a girl who was a beautiful singer, yet there was something lacking in her voice. Although outwardly everything about her was beautiful, her voice did not move the hearts of others. I suggested to her that she practice meditation, and she took the advice. Six months later she gave another recital, and this time the audience was thrilled. There was an electrical charge present in her voice that had never been there before. Until she practiced meditation, her voice came from her solar plexus, as it may come from the lungs, from the heart or emotions, or from the throat. Now her voice comes from her soul and has great power to inspire others.

Meditation creates a very important kind of tension, an accumulation of tremendous energy in the mind that is harmonized and used in mental and higher spheres for creative work and for the benefit of humanity.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Meditation vol.1

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